Sunday, February 15, 2009


I've always had an awkward feelings toward Chabad until recently since I didn't unsterdant much of their traditons. Some I still don't today, and am looking forward to learning more about the Halakha that Chabad follows in general. But what strikes me is that whatever they do, they do so in a righteous way. And the amazing thing about it is that it is ultra-Orthodox Jews that attracts mainly non-Orthodx news. These Jews are the most traditional out of anyone in Judaism, so the non-Orthodox Jews would be really interested in what they can explore, or find out from Chabad. It is usually a great place for answers if one has a question about anything Jewsih.

As Sue Fishkoff says in her essay, Chabad outreach is nonstop (11). Movement activists are everywhere, and if there's something that is missing Jewishly in your life whether you like it or not, Chabad usually comes in and fills whatever void that it might be. The wierd thing about this all is, Rabbi Schneerson was the last leader of the Hassidic movement, but Chabads infrastructure kept increasing and grew faster in 8 years after his death faster than his lifetime (12). Their ultimate goal is to reach every Jew in the world. And you know something? I commend it. They are absolutely not afraid to do anything, and will never take "no" for an answer. And they do what what they do to get kids to appeal to it, a lot of the times using prominant figures in society as we know it to them

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